Open Space Offices: Tailor-made Workplaces for the Young Generation

Nowadays, workplaces, both large and small in scale, are increasingly competitive in the race to attract a younger generation of highly-skilled employees. If human resources play a critical role in sourcing talent to create growth for the business, it is the organizations that should invest in a modern workspace to accommodate them. A growing trend in office design is one that makes use of open space, a space that promotes a sense of independence through a tailor-made environment.

What do open space offices look like?

Generally, the idea of open space focuses on utilizing a large communal area, free from room dividers or partitions in the personal workplace of each employee. This approach offers a spacious environment aimed at promoting a strong sense of independence. Features of this concept include work tables designed to resemble a meeting place with notice boards where people can sit together. Furthermore, these open space offices are equipped with communal rest/dining areas to encourage interaction through conversation. The basis of furniture selection focuses on functions such as ease of adjustability and mobility, just some of the benefits of the open space concept.

Advantages of an Open Space Workplace

Open spaces create a sense of freedom. Workers are free to utilize office space to suit their specific tasks. This promotes communication through ease of meeting space and consultation among employees, resulting in the exchange of ideas and a feeling of teamwork in organizations. Open space offices aim to promote a more natural, relaxed environment and bring about coordination between employees of all levels, rather than the placement of room dividers or partitions between work tables, typical of traditional offices.

Disadvantages of an Open Space Workplace

Open spaces are not without perceived disadvantages, such as the lack of privacy due to shared space. During working hours, workers may overhear private conversation and view the progress of colleagues adding pressure to the tasks at hand. The use of open space affects the confidentiality of information, as the movement of employees that share equipment poses higher risks of a breach in security. This can be solved with a design that organizes divisions appropriate for departments requiring this confidentiality. Furthermore, research indicates that workplaces designed as interactive open spaces run the risk of transmitting disease at a higher rate than a general workplace.

Today, open space offices attract a young generation of workers not content with traditional norms, influencing office design across the entire business sector. This arrangement of office space is suitable for organizations whose nature of work requires regular brainstorming and promotes a team environment in an independent atmosphere. Despite the fact that not all kinds of work are suitable for office design with open spaces, if your organization values design space to suit specific work formats and the utilization of people in the workplace, this is an effective and modern solution.

Five Office Design Trends for the New Generation in 2022

Five Office Design Trends for the New Generation in 2022

Since the majority of us spend a large proportion of our time in the workplace, good office design plays an integral part in creating an inspiring and comfortable environment for staff. A modern office strives to compete in its business sector, so an ill-thought-out office, cramped and overstocked with tables and equipment can limit motivation and therefore obstruct creativity and hinder overall work performance. It is therefore essential to create conditions for optimum work efficiency.

An office design based on current thinking, orients lifestyles and values of the new generation of people who value freedom with social responsibility and provides a blueprint for the next generation that enter the digital world. In this article, we investigate five popular trends in office design applicable to the new generation in 2022:

1. A Sustainable workplace : Sustainability-oriented office design is currently a hot topic. We have learned that focusing on future success at the expense of the environment leads to an imbalance in society. Modern offices must place sustainability as a high priority by developing business practices that encourage sustainable use of resources. There are many ways we can promote sustainability in our workplace, such as the use of environmentally-friendly materials and a design that supports the use of renewable or natural energy (solar cells, water resource management etc.).

2. An Activity-based Workplace : This is office design that emphasizes facilitating various work activities. Businesses are comprised of many sectors so it is essential to design work spaces that support the variety of activities within. For example, a team brainstorming and sharing ideas should benefit from a space that facilitates the discussions of workers. On the other hand, for work that requires time and a high level of concentration, there should be spaces that provide an environment of peace, privacy and easy access to the necessary equipment.

3. A Green Workplace : This approach to office design provides the benefits of bringing staff closer to nature by providing accessible green spaces such as small gardens or refreshment zones surrounded with all manner of plants. According to scientific research, it has been proven that the color green is essential for an environment of peace, relaxing the mind, reducing stress and helps staff to maintain concentration for longer. This concept in office design is considered advantageous to productivity.

4. A Happy Workplace : This is an office design concept concerned with providing positive mental health benefits to staff. Areas for work and relaxation are provided in equal proportion creating an easy, comfortable and non-stressful environment in which to work. Concentrating on the well-being of employees through office design brings happiness – a core value of the next generation employees.

5. An Innovative Workplace : This office design concept focuses on the use of innovative ideas and building techniques to facilitate efficient work activity with a high level of productivity, today and with the next generation of workplace staff. Any organization can apply this approach to design by implementing the Internet of Things (IoTs) or automation technology in the workplace, making available software or applications to support specific work activity with spaces that enable workers to learn about new technologies.

Many people may view the ‘new generation’ as a group of people with high potential but perhaps low in patience at work, preferring to leave companies and maintain work as freelancers. This in turn affects organizations as they lose opportunities to develop their businesses by creating growth together with this new generation of workers.

In reality, working with new generations is not as difficult as many people might think. Organizations just need to adjust to the needs and life values of a young generation of workers by making them feel that organizations are heedful to their needs and prepared to modernize their work environment. By implementing the principles of office design that focuses on sustainability, comfort at work and the availability of modern facilities, this generates both physical and mental happiness for all employees.

What Are the Effects of the Hybrid Workplace as a ‘New Normal’ on the Work Environment?

What Are the Effects of the Hybrid Workplace as a ‘New Normal’ on the Work Environment?

We cannot deny the changes to our lifestyles under the Covid-19 pandemic, known as the ‘New Normal’, especially those in the workplace. Under these changes, the ‘Hybrid Workplace’ has become an important trend to understand.
What characterizes this trend and how will it change the world? Let’s seek answers together.

Get to know the Hybrid Workplace.

During the past couple of years, we’ve had to adjust to this ‘New Normal’ lifestyle. This shift from office life to working remotely, means that now, our interactions between work colleagues take place online, at home. This adjustment in working life is now accepted as common practice. Fortuitously, companies have realized that this practice has led to improved performance with positive outcomes, leading to efforts to produce new ways of ensuring that this trend continues as working from home increases productivity.

However, many organizations realize that this approach cannot be 100% effective across all types of work, especially those in the creative sector. As creativity requires a collaboration between employees, therefore requiring a continued presence in the office, the concept of a ‘Hybrid Workplace’ arises. This is a flexible working format that allows workers to switch between working from home and the office. To promote a seamless continuity for such practices, the implementation of technology plays a key role in linking these two modes of work. In short, a Hybrid Workplace expands on the ‘working from home’ format.

What will a Hybrid Workplace change?

Currently, the hybrid working style is not only a ‘New Normal’ but what could be called a ‘Now Normal’. Many organizations around the world are increasingly applying Hybrid Workplace concepts to their working practices. Consequently, if these practices become the new working lifestyle, how will the world of work and business change? We will briefly illustrate two aspects, affecting both the organization as a whole and its employees:

1. Organizations will need to decide on an adjustment of investment format.
When employees are not required to work at the office every day, companies could take advantage of the minimal use of office space to reduce business costs and apply this saving to investment in technology. Creating effective solutions are considered key to the Hybrid Workplace style, including software, its applications and cloud system, allowing employees from all departments to work efficiently and harmoniously. As an example, employee time-entry tracking in use by HR departments could benefit from the use of advanced HR application technology, tracking employee movement easily.

Some companies may not need to minimize office space, but convert to co-working spaces where employees from different departments can schedule access to such space or benefit from free seat management software such as the Hot-Desk Booking System that allows employees to select appropriate placings. This change will provide employees with more space, reduce congestion in the office and minimize risk of the transmission of the covid virus. Applying these changes increases productivity and creativity due to a variety workspace.

2. Employees enjoy a better work-life balance.
The Hybrid Workplace will help employees to design a flexible working lifestyle. When they are not required to go to the office every day, this allows more time with their families. An improved work-life balance, brings increased contentment and therefore productivity at work.

These are the current trends and advantages of a Hybrid Workplace. It is perhaps, time for all of us to adjust from the ‘New Normal’ to the ‘Now Normal’.

IoT Technology: Keys to Make an Office a Smart Office

IoT Technology: Keys to Make an Office a Smart Office

The world has experienced change on a monumental scale due to the devastating impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. The change was sudden, affecting every aspect of our lives. Those who are able to adjust to these new conditions will likely survive the crisis.

This is especially applicable to the business world, faced with the necessity to completely rethink their operations, in line with the challenges presented by the pandemic, including the modification of office space under the new ‘smart’ concept. This is designed to facilitate a new format in work operations. Upgrading to a smart office ensures that businesses are prepared for the difficulties we face, now and in the future. IoT technology plays a key part in your conversion to a smart office.

Familiarise yourself with Smart Office – Offices for the New Age to Match Today’s ‘New Normal’ Lifestyle

Smart Office denotes a style of modern office design that focuses on applying IoT (Internet of Things) technology, to which data is connected via internet automatically. With this technology, you can easily access data in remote areas. The connection of office equipment with IoT facilitates the work of employees in many ways. It saves time traveling to the workplace; leads to more focus on work; allows employees to work independently with less pressure and promotes optimum productivity.

Advantages of Smart Offices Driven with IoT

1. Saves energy: IoT technology can be used to control energy usage by setting up times for use or automatically turn off the devices when no use is detected. Energy output is controlled by IoT to reduce business operating costs.

2. Work to full capacity: When IoT technology is applied to help manage and control the work environment, employees focus more on their work. This modern environment helps facilitate work operations, creating a highly-motivated organization where employees are able to work to full capacity and aspire to maintain effective output.

3. A more effective business operation: With IoT technology, it is much easier to manage and control office equipment creating a smooth and effective workflow, leading the company to maintain a high level of success against competitors.

4. High level security system: IoT technology brings innovation and modern functions to promote effective security for the office. This guarantees that all important documents and data are securely stored in the cloud system and offers complete protection against theft.

However, employing IoT for a smart office has certain limitations. To take advantage of IoT with its modern advances, a reliable, fast internet connection is required, run on high-quality devices and software. Such devices may be costly, but the return in efficiency outweighs the investment. Further examples of the additional benefits of a smart office follow below:

Security: CCTV that can be operated and controlled via mobile applications; smart-face scanners used to control the checking in/out of employees and self-registration; a check-in system for visitors via kiosk without the need of a staff member to be present; innovative data storage on the cloud system allowing easy access to data from any location and the protection and security of important data.

Energy control: The use of sensors to detect motion and to automatically control the switching on/off of appliances such as air conditioners, lights, roller blinds and meeting room equipment.

Communication: Smart meeting room technology, modern and effective.

Smart equipment and smart furniture: Tables and office equipment can be adjusted independently according to the preferences of each employee to facilitate their workflow with improved performance and productivity.

Key Points

  1. Smart office in the era of the ‘new normal’ employs IoT technology to help promote the smooth and continuous operation of businesses, the well-being of employees and improved performance and productivity.
  2. To take advantage of a smart office, experts are on hand to help design and control the workspace in accordance with the objectives of your organization. At Toppan, we provide this expertise, offering the best solutions for your office.
  3. To benefit your organization on the return to the office, to work at full capacity and outgrow your competitors, do not hesitate to contact Toppan. We provide expert consultation on the best way to employ smart office in your workplace to give your business and its employees a modern advantage and a sustainable future.

5 Ways to Increase Productivity with Office Design

5 Ways to Increase Productivity with Office Design

Employee happiness can be measured in terms of good working relationships with colleagues and a knowledgeable and responsible supervisor, leading to much improved work effectiveness. In addition, good office design is a key factor helping motivate employees to enjoy coming to work every day. This certainly can help promote increased productivity.

For this reason, smart office plays an important role in building success for companies. For a workplace to be utilized to full capacity, a good office is more than a space for locating office equipment and a place for people to work, but actually drives success with punctilious design.

Ways that Office Design Promotes Effective Workplaces

1. Uses technology to reduce document filing processes.
Smart office is a new way of creating an efficient work environment, enabling technology to improve the employee experience. Prime examples include the introduction of an accessible server to circulate information, accessible by all employees, thereby reducing the use of paper. Multi-purpose mobile applications can be used by the HR department for improved productivity, including leave submission and expense reimbursement etc. This also helps facilitate database management. Intelligent use of office design greatly improves company productivity through employee job satisfaction, brings order and improves accuracy in the workplace.

2. Creates a more harmonious working atmosphere to narrow the gap between employee and supervisor.
The use of privately partitioned workspaces and separate supervisor rooms may not be conducive to open communication. The smart-based office design concept addresses this problem in several ways. Worktables positioned face-to-face enable employees to share their opinions and ideas with colleagues. Personal belongings are stored in personal lockers, leaving only essential items such as the computer, pens, and a cell phone on the table. Glass walls used for supervisor’s rooms encourages open communication and line of sight for both supervisor and employee. This idea is to promote ease and convenience in communicating and sharing opinions between all level of employees.

3. Provides a space to showcase the successes and pride of the company.
Awareness of the success and growth of an organization by employees can inspire pride and appreciation of their jobs and responsibilities. By providing a Hall of Fame, the company can showcase their achievements and recognize the contribution by employees. Subsequently, this reflects the value the company places on development and growth, can help promote a positive image of the company as a quality environment to work and attract high-caliber personnel as future employees.

4. Provide systems that support meetings and training and facilitate online conferences.
The traditional format in organizing office training and meetings is often hindered when employees of some departments cannot attend because they are busy with other tasks. Smart office is a solution for this problem by way of implementing new technology to support teleconferences, such as a virtual meeting system. Attendants are able to share their opinions and presentations easily via a camera and display screen, as well as a microphone system that reduces ambient noise from the speaker. Training via mobile applications or software-based seminars allows us to record the number of employees attending the event and to summarize the effectiveness of the seminar. This then is useful as a guideline in organizing future events. In addition, it allows us to easily book meeting rooms and schedule appointments for the meeting in advance via mobile applications, sending notifications to all employees concerned. This allows attendants to arrange their time appropriately and contributes to a more effective meeting.

5. Creates a shared workspace for employees to work in teams
Creating a shared workspace under the smart office concept is to design an office with a clear concept of creating a personal space to share ideas. Within this space, personal workstations are moderately spaced apart, each with adapter plugs to support the forum for informal discussions to brainstorm ideas. To add modernity to the space, internet and a comprehensive network connection should be included across the workspace allowing the free expression of ideas at any time.

Smart-based office design, or smart office, focuses on increasing the productivity of employees. Conveniently spaced workstations encourage freer thinking and the ability to easily access the organization database. In addition, it builds a friendlier working environment open to new ideas, contributing greatly to the success and growth of the organization.

Key Points

Ways to Design Offices to Increase the Productivity of Employees

  1. Use technology that supports document filing processes. This allows us to easily access, use and manage information, allowing a well-organized, orderly, and accurate approach to work, with increased productivity.
  2. Creates a friendlier working environment to promote ease and convenience in communicating and sharing opinions between all level of employees.
  3. Provides a space to showcase their achievements and recognize the contribution by employees. This helps promote a positive image of the company as a quality environment for partners and external stakeholders.
  4. Implements new technology to support teleconferences and training within the company. Makes available modern equipment that is easy to use and facilitates freer communication between attendants.
  5. Builds a shared workspace for employees to work together in teams, supports creativity for the free expression of ideas, ultimately always improving the quality of work of employees.

4 Trends in Office Design to suite the ‘New Normal’ Lifestyle in 2021

4 Trends in Office Design to suite the ‘New Normal’ Lifestyle in 2021

As the effects of Covid-19 continue to be felt around the world, businesses need to adapt in order to thrive. The workplace environment, as the heartbeat of working life, can, with careful renovation, motivate organizations to run an effective business, enabling personnel to return to work safely, with confidence. The trends in office design for 2021 focus on how to design offices to suit this ‘new normal’ lifestyle.

When the coronavirus of 2019 (COVID-19) swept into our lives, the world was caught unawares. The pandemic spread rapidly and gradually intensified, causing disruption to social and economic activities. Our way of life at home and in the office was now threatened, forced to adopt to a ‘new normal’ lifestyle, applicable around the world. Workplaces closed and those equipped with air conditioners and surfaces shared by the workforce meant a high risk of transmitting COVID-19. Therefore, many organizations must rethink their approach to office design.

The pandemic affected greatly Thailand’s trends in office design. A new approach was needed to address the issues brought up by COVID-19 in workplaces which now focus on the concept of the ‘new normal office’. This hopes to build confidence in the workforce, safe in the knowledge that they are not at risk from the spread of infection and enables them to share a safe and effective work environment.

To project a clearer image and understanding of these ideas before deciding to renovate your office, here are four design trends with applicable technologies to suit the new working format during COVID-19. Such trends help promote a safe working environment allowing workers to complete their tasks smoothly and remain confident that the office is a safe environment in which to work, without lessened efficacy.

Four Trends in Office Design to suit the ‘New Normal’ Lifestyle in Thailand in 2021

  1. Distance-based Design – Adjusts the layout of each working room to create more distance between workstations and uses partitions to minimize the risk of an epidemic. Choose from modern partitions in beautiful designs with Smart Film, in matte or transparent, that maintains effective communications between workers.
  2. Versatile Space Design – Arranges working space suitable for small group activities, such as semi-enclosure booths. These are designed for informal conferences or meetings and are easy to construct. Such spaces not only bring a modern look to your office, but allow independent working to help reduce the risk of transmission. In addition, take advantage of an online advance booking system to help order your space for a reduction in unnecessary contact.
  3. Application of Touchless Technologies – Uses facial scan technology as opposed to fingerprint scanners to replace the traditional employee sign-in. Checking-in with this new application further reduces contact between employees. Moreover, use of IoT (Internet of Things) technology offers automated control systems and sensor-equipped devices, promoting an effective solution for your employees returning to the ‘new normal’ working style.
  4. Ventilated Space Design – Air ventilation is an important consideration when designing a new office space. The choice of appropriate air conditioning promoting good airflow within the office should work in with the design of the new working space. A healthy airflow with appropriate air quality can help reduce the risk of transmission.

These suggestions help you visualize the concept of office design suitable for the ‘new normal’ lifestyle. A safe workplace brings confident employees willing to adjust to the ‘new normal’, motivating growth and ultimately bringing wealth to their organizations.

Key Takeaway

  • Four trends in office design to suit the ‘new normal’ lifestyle. Enables organizations to quickly and effectively refurbish their office space in response to the pandemic.
  • Organizations who renovate their offices appropriate to dealing with the pandemic, can enjoy improved growth even while COVID-19 persists, allowing business to prosper with minimum disruption.
  • Designing offices to effectively cope with the COVID-19 pandemic is challenging. To renovate your office to suit the ‘new normal’ lifestyle, start with an expert consultant to advise and help realise your design. This can eliminate mistakes that may occur, helping your office meet all of your needs in terms of its functionality and safety under the ‘new normal’ lifestyle.

Why Smart Office Matters for Organizations in the New Age

In this digital era, one of the factors helping corporations increase the performance of their workforce and therefore improved output, is to modify the atmosphere and environment in the workplace. Currently, ‘Smart Office’ is the concept applied by many leading companies to make this change in their workplace. It has been proven that smart-based office design can really change office life for the better.

Why Smart Office Matters for Organizations in the New Age

What is Smart Office?

“Smart Office” is a work environment concept designed to respond to and motivate employees to increase productivity and creativity using technologies to facilitate and create harmony under the concept of a ‘happy workplace’.

The main focus of Smart Office is to adapt IoT (Internet of Things) solutions and technology, sometimes called ‘smart solutions’ to the office space. Instances of smart solutions that can be connected to each other and controlled easily via mobile applications are as follows:

  • Intelligent Control Solution : A system that allows electric appliances to be automatically turned on and off depending on the occupancy of the room.
  • Smart Booking System : A system that helps you book a meeting room or Hot Desk easily via a mobile application.
  • Visitor Management System : Smart technology designed for visitor management using facial scanning or a QR Code.
  • HR Mobile Application : A system allowing workers to record their time-in and time-out in real time using GPS, including functions for requesting and approval of employees’ expenses and overtime payments.
  • Smart Digital Whiteboard : A solution that simplifies presentations in meetings.
  • Smart Film : A solution allowing transparent partitions to be converted to matte for privacy purposes.

Applying this technology in the office helps promote convenience and flexibility for employees, increasing well-being for a happy workplace.

Thai Businesses Facing All-around Problems

Thailand’s business sector, whether large or small in scale, face a number of internal challenges, reducing the ability to compete with rival companies, restricting growth. These challenges include:

  • The gap between older and newer generations of employees whose working mindsets and behaviors vary greatly;
  • Internal communications that are troublesome, adding to work ineffectiveness;
  • Inadequate labor costs meaning companies are unable to hire more personnel to alleviate workloads;
  • High leasing costs affect value: most companies pay high office rental rates but cannot utilize all facilities on offer.

These are familiar problems facing Thai businesses, regardless of size. Many corporations attempt to solve such problems by investing heavily but this affects sustainability. However, taking advantage of the Smart Office concept can mitigate and even solve these problems.

How Can Smart Office Help to Solve Problems for Thai Companies?

  1. Use Smart Office to motivate and inspire employees.
    Smart Office builds good working relationships and a more harmonious office environment. This helps to unify employee feedback. The company may then enjoy a higher profile and attract potential workers, while existing employees can regain the motivation and enjoy increased creativity.
  2. Use Smart Office to Increase Productivity
    If the workplace implements new environmental designs with modern facilities to support their workforce, minimizing unnecessary working processes, employees will undoubtedly improve focus on their jobs. Increased productivity, performed efficiently to desired outcomes, benefits the overall performance of the company.
  3. Use Smart Office to Increase Value and Reduce Costs.
    With the modern office design concept, office space can be utilized fully. Businesses can take advantage of technology to increase productivity and efficiency, allocating employees to where they are most needed within the corporation. This reduces workloads and therefore, the pressure on employees.

Therefore, Smart Office is an important, if not a critical issue for Thai companies to adopt in present times, because it can help increase performance and competitiveness, promoting the opportunity for a leap in growth.

Key Points

  • Smart Office is a concept designed to meet the actual needs of employees, implementing IoT technology to help employees thrive and remain flexible at work.
  • The problems facing Thai businesses can be mitigated and solved sustainably by designing offices as ‘Smart Offices’.
  • Smart Office can be used to unify employee feedback leading to solutions affecting people, places, equipment and ultimately, business costs. Implementing Smart Office offers huge benefits to Thai business.

How to Design an Office to be a Happy Workplace: The Key to Success.

How to Design an Office to be a Happy Workplace: The Key to Success.

A ‘happy workplace’ ideal is designed for business in the present time. Designing an office to the Smart Office concept is the first and important step towards the aim of becoming a happy workplace, leading to improved productivity and outcomes for the company. Employees respond to a good working environment and drive the success of the company. A well-equipped office supports creativity and enhances performance every working day. These outcomes enable success to be reached sooner and more sustainably.

Happy Workplace: The Key to Success for Business That Should Not Be Overlooked

It is said that an office is like the second house of salarymen. Certainly, a pleasant home is one that is designed with the happiness of the residents in mind with facilities that respond to their needs. This idea can be applied to office design as well. Burnout and overtiredness experienced by employees, often leading to decreased performance have, most likely, a root cause from a poorly-equipped and designed work environment.

This is an important point that should not be overlooked by companies. Office design and renovation that focus on the concept of a happy workplace by changing design approaches with relevant, modern technology create a considered working space, one that suits the activities performed therein, is pleasant to spend time in and supportive to the nature of the job. This contributes greatly to the well-being and motivation of employees, allowing more focus on their tasks at hand. This work environment will encourage far more job satisfaction and create good working relationships. Such positive improvements drive future development and enhance productivity.

Happy Workplace: Eight Aspects of Happiness Designed Specifically for the Benefit of Employees

The main idea of a happy workplace pays attention to factors that promote the well-being of company personnel such as human resources. When the mental and physical health of employees is considered, performance will undoubtedly improve. The Happy Workplace concept includes eight aspects of happiness as follows:

  • Happy Mind and Body: promoting mental and physical happiness.
  • Happy Heart: promoting the generosity of personnel.
  • Happy Society: promoting a harmonious work environment.
  • Happy Relax: promoting a relaxing environment.
  • Happy Brain: promoting the development of knowledge and cognitive abilities of employees.
  • Happy Soul: promoting good morals for living in personnel.
  • Happy Money: promoting good saving and expenditure planning.
  • Happy Family: promoting a warm and stable family environment.

The eight aspects of happiness (above) can be also applied to improved office design and renovation in order to create a happy workplace as follows:

Happy Body for Promoting Good Health – Office design that focuses on selecting appropriate, quality furniture and ergonomic office equipment will help employees work healthily and happily, avoiding the common office syndrome of discomfort while working.

Happy Heart for Promoting Generosity – To provide a shared working space for employees from different teams or departments to work together, share their ideas and creativity and build strong working relationships. This helps to promote friendship and a sense of generosity that leads the company to sustainable success.

Happy Relax for Promoting a Relaxing Environment – To create a happy workplace, companies should assign an area for refreshment allowing employees to take time out during working hours. The refreshment area can be enhanced as a green space, an easy way to include a naturopathic approach to the office. This approach leaves employees refreshed and ready to return to work with renewed creativity and effectiveness.

Happy Brain for Promoting the Development of Knowledge and Cognitive Abilities – A design offices concept that helps employees focus more on work without distractions. Companies are encouraged to provide employees with brainstorming rooms that are convenient and supportive to team working activities.

Happy Soul for Promoting Good Morals – This helps create a happy workplace for employees of every religion. The office design concept focuses on arranging space for employees to offer worship in their daily religious practices according to their beliefs to help promote peace in the workplace. This could be by providing a Muslim prayer room, designed as a calm and quiet room for religious practice. This helps promote concentration for employees both before and during their jobs.

All the above-mentioned points help us realize the importance of good office design – the starting point in creating a happy workplace for companies that encourage and motivate their employees. When employees can work happily in the workplace, their creativity and performance will undoubtedly improve. Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to say that a happy workplace is halfway on the road to success.

Key Points

  • Office design is an essential element in today’s workplace. Applying the happy workplace concept to design by creating spaces suitable for shared working activities will help increase productivity and the overall success of the company.
  • Office design that focuses on the changing environment by creating a fulfilling atmosphere at work can only encourage and motivate employees, helping address burnout and inactivity. Creating a happy workplace is the key to success for Thai business.